Attorney at law Prof. Assoc, Dr Jordan Daci is the founder and Executive Director of Albanian Rule of Law Center. Beside the organization, Dr. Daci is the founder and owner of “Daci and Associate” Law Firm. He has over 15 years of professional and academic experience in the field of Law and Human Rights and currently he also serves as a lecturer at Tirana Business University and at the School of Advocacy of Albania.
Earlier in his carrier he served as Senior Legal Expert in different governmental institution in Albania and Kosovo such as the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy. He also served as Advisor to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania.
Jordan has experience in working with projects as well, such as being a Field Coordinator for Albania, Counselor and Co-leader of the assessment team for the project of drafting the “Judicial Reform Index” of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI), a project financially supported by USAID. Upon completion of this project, he was appointed by the OSCE-ODIHR as Country Reporter for Albania “On the State of the Independence of the Judiciary in Albania 2009”, and successfully drafted this report. Under the OSCE Mission and the Kosovo Legal Center, has served as a trainer for Kosovo Judges on European Law and the European Integration Process.
Jordan has published in 2006, his first book on Human Rights. Additionally he published a monograph in the field of Constitutional Law, International Law and European Law and he is the author of many academic articles.
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Jordan DACI graduated with a law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tirana. In October 2003 he successfully completed his post-graduate studies and graduated with a joint degree in Masters of Arts in Democracy and Human Rights issued by the University of Bologna. In May 2010 he completed his PhD and got the title of “Doctor of Science in Public Law” at the University of Tirana. In March 2016 he earned the Academic title “Associate Professor” of Law.