Susan O’Malley is the Main Representative to the UN (NY) for the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW). She is also Communication Chair and editor of Action for Girls for the Working Group on Girls. She was co-chair of the Planning Committee for the NGO Forum 59 and co-organizer of the monthly NGO CSW/NY meetings based on the 12 areas of action of the Beijing Platform for Action, 2014-2015. In addition to serving as the elected Faculty Trustee and Chair of the 22-campus City University of New York (CUNY) Faculty Senate, Dr. O’Malley was a professor of English and Women’s Studies at CUNY (Kingsborough and the Graduate Center) for 36 years. She has published articles and books on early modern women’s literature, Shakespeare, higher education, disability and civil rights. She holds an AB from Smith College and a PhD from Tulane University. She is currently involved in Cities for CEDAW to get CEDAW ratified in NYC.