Mr. Traja, graduated from the University of Tirana, in 1978 majoring in Justice. He has an extended experience of over 10 years as Judge in the European Court of Human Rights, in Strasburg from 1998-2008 and he is a very well-known academic in Balkan for the Constitutional Rights. His professional career in the legal filed has started in 1986 when he was nominated as an expert in the Studies Sector in the institution of General Persecution until 1991. He has been a member of the board of codification in the Ministry of Justice as well has served as a vice minister of the same ministry during 1992-1993.
He have also been a member of the task group drafting the Albanian Constitution of 1998. From 1994, he is a professor at the University of Justice of Albania, as well as the Magistrate School. During 2012-2014 he served as the Rector of “Luarasi” University and from 2008 he have been working as an attorney in some of the most prestigious law firm in Albania. He is also the author of numerous publications and translation in the field of justice.